Questions and Answers

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions from the field of finance.

  • Which areas is the EGGER Group active in?

    EGGER Holzwerkstoffe GmbH with its subsidiaries is a leading producer and supplier of wood-based products in Europe. Business activities in the 22 production locations cover mainly the following areas:

    Production and trade with support materials (chipboard, MDF, HDF, compact and lightweight panels), made of wood, as as well as sawn timber and ridges. Production and trade with laminate floors and OSB boards.

    To the EGGER Products Range

  • What is the organisation of the EGGER Group?

    The EGGER Group has a classical industry structure with the EGGER Holzwerkstoffe GmbH as the parent company. Three private foundations are part of EGGER Holzwerkstoffe GmbH, whose founders are direct or indirect members of the Egger family.

  • Where is the EGGER Group headquartered?

    The management headquarters are in St. Johann in Tirol, Austria.

  • How many employees does EGGER Group have?

    At the end of the 2023/24 financial year, the employee number was about 11,700.

  • What does the financial reporting of the EGGER Group look like?

    EGGER regularly provides its interest groups with relevant information regarding the corporate group. EGGER publishes on a yearly basis the consolidated financial statements as information regarding the course of business and net assets, finances, and the earnings situation.

    The business figures are published in the context of an annual press conference as well as a press brief, which is also published as a notice of report. In addition, EGGER publishes a semi-annual report that complies with the requirements of the IFRS.

    This is also published via an ad-hoc notice of report and as a press brief.

  • Which accounting standard is followed by EGGER for the consolidated financial statements?

    The consolidated annual financial statements of the EGGER Holzwerkstoffe Group have for years been created on the basis of the IFRS international accounting standards.

    Further information regarding the principles applied are available in the current annual financial statement.

  • How is the EGGER financial year defined?

    The EGGER financial year runs from May 1 of one year to April 30 of the following year.

  • What is the position of EGGER towards Corporate Governance Principals?

    As a non-listed company, EGGER is not obligated to comply with the Austrian Corporate Governance Codex.

    Given that the latter is designed for companies with shares listed on the regulated market, the principles relevant for joint-stock companies are not applied.

  • Where can I download the annual and semi-annual financial report?

    Current and past annual and semi-annual financial reports are available to download here.

  • Is there a possiblity for EGGER to be transformed in a joint-stock company?

    No. EGGER will remain a family business. This is the wish of the Egger family and corresponds to our company philosophy. However, we will make use of all the financing opportunities that arise within this context. For this reason, we have already issued bonds in the past and will do so again in the future.

  • When does the next publication of the annual and semi-annual figures take place?

    December 2024
    Publication half-year figures financial year 2024/25

    End of July 2025
    Publication of annual figures and annual press conference 2025

    We will announce the exact date in due course.